My family around the world,
You who consider all life sacred are perfect soul elders, we call you Active-Indigos (perfect soul).
Do you feel alienated by our materialistic, ego driven and competitive culture, are appalled at the human suffering and environmental decline and want all this to change? You are not alone!" says, the Indigo person (the one who represents the perfect soul).
"You are perfect, find the perfection within you. Learn to find brotherhood, by increasing your moral actions. Love yourself by forgiving others. And mostly, here at Active-Indigos we expect you to find your voice. If you do not know how to receive, you do not know how to love. So forgive others and then let them hear your voice." says, the Crystal person (the one who represents the perfect body).
With new members all over the world. We need YOU, the dedicated and altruistic folks with the burning desire to make a difference!Our goal is to help an absolutely vital shifting-paradigms in thinking and acting come about." says, the Indigo person (the one who represents the perfect soul). Indigos are the Great teachers, but still need the rest of the of family (Rainbow Clan).
Who will create the books that they need to teach with? Who will guide them out into the world? We will. The Golden Warriors of Mother Earth and Father Heaven, who practice righteousness and love. We will give them all the tools they need to educate the world." says, the Crystal person (the one who represents the perfect body).
Our goals are to help prepare humanity for 2012,the end of the Mayan Calendar, a year many feel will be the beginning of a more enlightened era. Encourage our fellow Earth Citizens to join us in living as sustainably and prepare for worsening conditions due to shifting-paradigms and globalwarming. Support fellow kinsman meet, connect and create community awareness.
Your Devoted Servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, a Crystal elder, Heavenly Interpreter (iyeshka) gifts blessings and sacred directions. Guides respect for the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Elders and keepers of Mother Earth.
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White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Buffalo Sister Jane Fonda
*White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Buffalo Sister Jane Fonda*
*Take hold my heart is overfilled. Take hold because I got to be bold. If