Twin Deer Mother Offers Blessings to Share With You!

(Elder Crystal Person, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your) Twin Deer Mother offers Blessings for Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and Elders (Active-Indigos), inspired by (Magenta Warrior) Willed One Whispering Silence

I bless you. I keep you close to my heart. Come and play with monsters and we will show you how to tame. They are but little children, who think they need guilt and shame, but I say, it's put under and not to be thought of again. We have better things to do now, than walk this way again. Freedom and wisdom that's my only friends. I am the relative to all my world God brings. And now it's the time to be good servants again.

I bless you. I keep you close to my heart. Each step that I walk, I think of your loving heart. And I know you are thinking how lonely you have become, but I say, relatives they are coming to bring us home again. Even though, we don't spill words but run inside the wind. We are here to flow with you, inside the flesh and soul again. We are bringing heaven and earth, to the rising sun again. Sow I bless you, every seed in you, that grows and grows and grows. Come lets bless you. Come lets skip to, the heartbeat with an eternal breath of wind. There we will find all that grows, will have a perfect radiant shine, because Magenta (horizon), is the center of the whole entire world of mine.

I bless the dancing of the light, and the dark that flow within. And we hope to say, that's the place, the Great Caretaker lives in Grace (halls of consciousness). And we are lucky stars like copper pennies that offer us release (water-electron discharge-relaxation) into the air. We know freedom and true lovers, who come sacred in all their wells (abundant waters). We will sail into joy if we put the old away, and begin, the heart of the new, the Golden Brotherhood of these days.

I bless you. The days are few I say. And I want you to know, the heart of all of your show. It's the way you move, while you dance like you should. It's the way, you're sure, even when all is not known. We have comfort in you, as you dance and sing as one. We try to emulate you, but we look upon the rising sun. And it's love that pours from you. And it's where we run and few, are as lucky as we are to know, the greatest show is always the horizon, in every part of this world.

I bless the setting (descending of our eternal souls) and the snow (diamonds or crystalline stones, the perfect blessing allowing wind to pass through). I bless the rising (ascending of our eternal flesh in our children as well as the dream that lives when the blue road cross the red road, to become the yellow road of dreams, united soul and flesh, the sacred sun dance for all to see) and the hoar (permaculture of diamonds like a geode or a crystalline agate growth inside enclosed in circumference, the crystalline stone river, or dew crystal sublimation meaning we skip a step to achieve perfection with less suffering when fire blessings purify all realms). I bless the greatness and the small. I bless all of them after all. I bless the streets of sin again. I bless most everything I can. I bless the ways, you summon me, to show me the way to liberty. Show me, the way to be warrior pure. For you are here to be the truth (crystal people, door in/out of heaven) and we are the door (perception of magenta persons, however it's truly the halls of consciousness, not a moving door, but a passageway that delivers movement, the bridge over troubled waters, between two realms at the horizon, a threshold and place to cleanse the flesh and the soul. Bless before you cross over into the other realms . Magenta (person, windy halls) the Center of the World, who knows the sun, when it glows.

I bless you, when high and low. I bless you when all is stark. I bless you, and then I bless you, to say, that God (G_ah_d: the utterance of the voice, from heaven, that transmits. Story Sharing) is home. To say that God is home. To say, God is really home. Finally another day, to wake up and enjoy our ways, to be filled with love each day, to be responsible for only our hearts to play. There we find a new dawning day. There we walk into the hills of yesterday, to find new blossoms and forever rolling hills, to say, my magic has only begun to grow. To dance like you! To move like you! To have the magic in the rainbows! To have the soul and flesh at home within! To gift the greatest passage booking, to find a boat that sails in the winds. You will guide us and show us. You will be there too. You will show the world how, to have a perfect view. The rainbow at the horizon. The waterfall standing near. The animals and beasts are churning, on what's next to hear. We lie down in sweet meadows. We gift our hearts to God, and then we wake up refreshed again, to fight another day. To fight another day! To be the Rainbow Warrior, to fight for LOVING WAYS!

Active-Indigos and Elders

We recognize you as a spiritual being and welcome you to one family consciousness. Here at Active-Indigos, we respectfully address the ascension, flesh or light and descending, soul or darkness, process while creating local sanctuaries on earth. Thinking globally and acting locally while networking all spiritual communities and educating the workplace.

Elders come to be, when they stand to be free, to be heard of justice door, the place where all live to be, united in heart. United when apart. United in Spirit, to hold and have Heaven, inside the beginning, the Elders of the World. Who come home to what is heard. Who use love beyond all words. To know when LOVE is true. And Knows when we need the views, of pure light, of pure dark, of heaven and earth, abound as One who's gonna win. It's the Elders who refuse to budge and look for hues, instead sea with their hearts, and prays about all things in the heart.

Willing tears will bring, the spring of blossoms who sing, songs of joy in everything. This is the way Home. Bring a song, bring an instrument, with a tune. Bring your voice, a stick with many hues, and your drum which need be your open song, let us sing along!

I bless me (purify self before blessing others). I bless the world. I bless you, for you to bee (dream impossible dreams). I bless the sacred nine directions of relatives everywhere, open hearts to vision heaven's breeze! Aho, may your spirit fly free!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Aramaic Lord's Prayer

Oh you, breathing life in all, origin of the gleaming sound,
You shine in us and around us, even the darkness glows

when we remember.

Help us to draw a holy breath, in which we feel only you

and your sound ring in us and purify us.

May your counsel rule our lives and make our intentions

clear for the common creation.

May the burning wish of your heart unify heaven

and earth through our harmony.

Grant us daily the bread and insight that we need:

What is necessary for the call of growing life.

Release the cords of the errors that bind us,

as we let go off that which binds us to the faults of others.

Do not let superficial things lead us astray

but instead free us from that which holds us back.

From you come the all-effective will,

the living strength to act, and the song that beautifies

everything and which renews itself form age to age.

True vitality to these testimonies! 

May they be the ground out of which all my actions grow.

Sealed in trust and faith.


~Lord's prayer in Aramaic 

Gifted by Cup of God a magenta child, you can visit her blog at 

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